
Software de control de plagas


“La primera ley de la Ecología es que todo está relacionado con todo lo demás.” 

Barry Commoner


Codling moth control

Software de control de plagas

Alertas automáticos. Modelos predictivos. Calendario del Ciclo de vida de las plagas. Integración con estaciones mteorológicas. Cálculo de la fecha de tratamiento óptimo. Registro de capturas y monitoreos.

programa de control de plagas

Software de control de plagas

Alertas automáticos. Modelos predictivos. Calendario del Ciclo de vida de las plagas. Integración con estaciones mteorológicas. Cálculo de la fecha de tratamiento óptimo. Registro de capturas y monitoreos.

life cycle control of codling moth

Hosted plants

Cydia pomonella is the most widely distributed and important pest of apple, pear, walnut and quince in the world.

Time of treatment

For the treatment to be efficient, it is recommended that it be carried out at the time of maximum hatching of eggs and before the larvae penetrate the fruits. And it should be repeated a few days later to cover as many larvae as possible.

FuturCrop is a software that calculates daily the conditions that modify the life cycle of pests. When a change occurs, it informs the user of the opportune moment to carry out the most efficient control treatment, and thus reduce the number of treatments and their costs.

Life cycle states calculated by FuturCrop

  • Adults
  • Start of generation count
  • Start of egg-laying
  • Hatching of eggs
  • Onset of larval stage
  • Start of pupal phase
  • New generation of adults

If you are registered in FuturCrop you will receive an email 7 days in advance when the pest will be in one of the following states.

The software is updated daily according to weather conditions, and sends an email informing the date on which the biological change of the pest finally occurs.

Fenología de las plagas

¿Deseas saber más sobre tratamientos eficientes?

More information

Cydia pomonella, CABI

Cydia pomonella, tortAI

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