Category: Control of certain agricultural pests

Corn worm control

Common name Corn worm, bollar worm, cotton worm, tomato fruit worm. Crops and ornamentals Apricot, Plum, Peach, Nectarine, Cherry, Apple, Pear, Almond, Walnut, Endive, Tomato, Potato, Cauliflower, Pepper, Chard, Eggplant, Broccoli, Onion, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Pea, Beans, Hazelnut, Chestnut, Corn, Rose, Strawberry, Raspberry, Leek, Radish, Orange, Celery, Alfalfa, Pistachio, Fennel, Parsley, Carrot, Chile, Paraguayan Time of treatment Perform treatments that affect the larvae of first and second instars. Life cycle states calculated by FuturCrop Phenological integral of the corn worm in a corn field 2022 Information about the Corn Worm. Calendar of biological events of the corn worm in a cornfield, 2022 Images of the pest EPPO Global Database Home Discover FuturCrop How It Works Informed decisions Pests FAQ About us Company Press Contact Blog Price Log in

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elm leef beetle control

Elm Leaf Beetle Control

Common name Elm leaf beetle or galeruca Ornamental Elm. Time of treatment Treatment is recommended when observing the first larvae; although a first application can be made when the adults have left their shelters, and a second application when the larval peak occurs. FuturCrop is a software that calculates daily the conditions that modify the life cycle of pests. When a change occurs, it informs the user of the opportune moment to carry out the most efficient control treatment, and thus reduce the number of treatments and their costs. Life cycle states calculated by FuturCrop If you are registered in FuturCrop you will receive an email 7 days in advance when the pest will be in one of the following states. The software is updated daily according to weather conditions, and sends an email informing the date on which the biological change of the pest finally occurs. Images of the plague EPPO Global Database

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escarabajo de la patata

Potato beetle control

Common name Potato beetle, doriphora, Colorado beetle. Crops Tomato, Potato, Eggplant Time of treatment Treatment is recommended when observing the first larvae, both chemically and by biological control organisms (for example, Bacillus thuringiensis) is most efficient in the first larval stages. FuturCrop is a software that calculates daily the conditions that modify the life cycle of pests. When a change occurs, it informs the user of the opportune moment to carry out the most efficient control treatment, and thus reduce the number of treatments and their costs. Life cycle states calculated by FuturCrop If you are registered in FuturCrop you will receive an email 7 days in advance when the pest will be in one of the following states. The software is updated daily according to weather conditions, and sends an email informing the date on which the biological change of the pest finally occurs. Images of the plague EPPO Global Database

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sant joseph scale pests

Control of Sant Joseph Scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus)

Common name Sant Joseph Sclae Hosts Apricot, Plum, Peach, Nectarine, Cherry, Apple, Pear, Paraguayan, etc. . The San Jose louse damages more than 150 different plant species. But its real economic importance is due to the fact that it attacks most seeds and stone fruit trees. Time of treatment The timing of treatment is critical for this pest. In its nymphal stage it is characterized by having a protective shield or follicle that overlap to form thick layers, sometimes impermeable to phytosanitary treatments. Chemical control should be done during the sprouting stages, at the emergence of first generation nymphs, or at the emergence of third generation nymphs. FuturCrop is a software that calculates on a daily basis the conditions that modify the life cycle of pests. When a change occurs, it informs the user of the right time to perform the most efficient control treatment, thus reducing the number of treatments and their costs. FuturCrop sends an email notice of the appropriate date for treatment of San Jose Scale nymphs 7 days in advance. Life cycle stages of the Sant Joseph Scale as calculated by FuturCrop If you are registered in FuturCrop you will receive an email 7 days in advance when the pest will be in one of the following stages. Nymph emergence Adequate time for nymph treatment New generation The software is updated daily according to weather conditions, and sends an email informing the date when the biological change of the pest finally occurs.

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life cycle control of codling moth

Codling moth control

Hosted plants Cydia pomonella is the most widely distributed and important pest of apple, pear, walnut and quince in the world. Time of treatment For the treatment to be efficient, it is recommended that it be carried out at the time of maximum hatching of eggs and before the larvae penetrate the fruits. And it should be repeated a few days later to cover as many larvae as possible. FuturCrop is a software that calculates daily the conditions that modify the life cycle of pests. When a change occurs, it informs the user of the opportune moment to carry out the most efficient control treatment, and thus reduce the number of treatments and their costs. Life cycle states calculated by FuturCrop If you are registered in FuturCrop you will receive an email 7 days in advance when the pest will be in one of the following states. The software is updated daily according to weather conditions, and sends an email informing the date on which the biological change of the pest finally occurs. More information Cydia pomonella, CABI Cydia pomonella, tortAI

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Automatic risk warnings for the control of the red palm weevil

Home Discover FuturCrop How It Works Informed decisions Pests FAQ About us Company Press Contact Blog Price Log in The control of the Red Palm Weevil is difficult, because its larvae damage the interior of the trunk of the palm trees, when the visible damages are already irreparable. The Red Palm Weevil or Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, is considered the worst pest that can attack palm trees. Originally from Egypt, the pest has been detected in the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Palestine, southern Europe, California, Miami and Mexico. Damage caused by the red palm weevil Adult females lay between 300 and 400 eggs at the base of leaves, on their wounds or on trunks. They preferably go to diseased palm trees, with pruning wounds or weakened by having been transplanted recently. The cuts or wounds that occur with the pruning of palm trees give off an aroma that attracts them powerfully. The damage occurs mainly because of the larvae, which feed on the soft fibers and the terminal tissue of the buds, and move towards the interior of the palm making tunnels and cavities. They can be found anywhere inside the palm, even at the base of the trunk itself. Adults usually remain in the palm tree while it has fresh plant tissue and go outside when the palm tree is completely destroyed or does not have the capacity to house more individuals inside. When adults go outside they look for new specimens to colonize and are attracted by the smell given off by palm trees as a result of pruning, and by the pheromones that they themselves emit to attract other individuals of the same species. They have diurnal activity and can move from one palm tree to another nearby, although it can also travel long distances in flight favored by the wind, although its greater dispersion is produced by the movement of infested palm trees from one area to another. Life cycle and control of the Red Palm Weevil From the biological development cycle of the Red Palm Weevil, FuturCrop calculates the following events: Usually, damage caused by larvae is visible only long after infection. So when the first symptoms of the attack appear, they are so severe that they usually result in the death of the tree. For this reason it is essential to keep in mind the following symptoms of damage for the control of the red palm weevil: Symptoms of damage The time of treatment depends on the type of treatment performed. To perform a conventional chemical treatment, it is the immediately after laying, according to FuturCrop calculations. Monitoring and Control of the red palm weevil Surveillance of the condition of palm trees is the main tool for pest control. It is generally recommended to check the external appearance of the palm tree at least every 30 days, review of traps every 15 days, and several preventive treatments during the year. However, through FuturCrop you can receive alerts of the phases of biological development of the pest and therefore predict the risks, optimize the monitoring, the review of traps and the treatments that need to be carried out. Likewise, the information provided by the software allows you to be sure to perform the pruning in the appropriate period, controlling the moment of flight of the adults. More information Giant palm weevils—Rhynchophorus spp, UC IPM

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