Category: Agricultural Pest Control

pest phenology

Phenology as a bioindicator of Climate Change

Evidence of Climate Change There are several studies on the changes observed in the climate system: the atmosphere and the ocean have warmed, the volumes of snow and ice have decreased, the sea level has risen. There are more and more problems of pest reinfestation in agriculture, they reproduce more quickly and remain for longer. It is another evidence: phenology as a bioindicator of Climate Change. Climate Change affects the reproductive cycle of pests and therefore their control. In ancient times the different agricultural tasks were sequenced according to the order of the seasons and months. These agricultural calendars are called medieval mensaries. Even then they knew that agricultural cycles necessarily have to adapt to the climatic conditions of nature. And they used to be represented graphically by calendars, because the cycles had a duration that was maintained over the years. There is now more documentation on the relationship between environmental factors and the biological cycle of plants and insects. As centuries ago, following that ancient mentality that related seasons with agricultural work, when talking about the cycles of biological development of plants or pests, the number of days elapsed between events is usually indicated. But climate change manifests itself differently in different geographical areas, and therefore the responses of different populations of the same species will also be unequal in different locations. The model of calendar dates for agriculture is no longer valid. Several studies show that certain climatological changes are taking place that alter or render invalid the determination of biological cycles in terms of days. Phenology as a bioindicator of Climate Change Phenology, which studies the repercussions of climate on the cycles of living beings (such as the flowering or migration of birds) is a good bioindicator of the climatic changes that are taking place. Climate Change and Pest Control Evidence in crops The consequences of climate change are very diverse for crops. They have influenced, for example, to increase the Huglin heliothermal index in the last 15 years (index based on the insolation and temperature of an area to determine its suitability for vine cultivation) in all wine-producing areas of France. Thus favoring the production of wine, and that it is of higher quality, in those areas. In fact, the vine is very sensitive to climatic conditions and reflects that agricultural tasks are varying their traditional moments. An advance of up to 3 or 4 weeks in the harvest date has been observed in the last 50 years. And the consequences of warming are already detectable in a gradual increase in the alcohol index of wine, with an average rise of 13.3 points on the scale of 100, for every 1ºC increase in temperature during the growing season. Climate Change and the control of agricultural and forestry pests Regarding insects and agricultural and forestry pests, a phenomenon similar to that which is occurring in plant species is happening. When a region warms between optimal temperature ranges for its development and in prolonged periods, certain species of pests are favored: some, which significantly increase their populations, and others, which manage to expand their presence, colonizing new areas. In fact, climate change is altering the conditions of pest development. New pests appear where previously they did not have the natural conditions of development, pests develop more quickly because their biological cycles are shorter, and the number of cycles and therefore generations increases. Screenshots of FuturCrop. Automated monitoring and control. Forecast calculations. Most pests have fluctuations in their density, depending on the seasons. But these fluctuations, which may be similar in successive years, increasingly show more variations from one year to another. The increase and decrease in densities associated with the seasons are mainly determined by climatological factors and by the phenology of the host plants, which as we have already seen is changing significantly. With this new factor of uncertainty, and increased likelihood of crop damage, pests are becoming a serious economic problem. The future trend in agriculture, in forestry, and in the management of parks and gardens (particularly in trees and plants whose conservation is considered of interest), calls for greater control of crops and pests. Nowadays it is already essential to introduce new technologies in these sectors, which allow a greater degree of information on the development of crops and pests depending on changes in climatic and environmental conditions. More information Pest and weather models, College or Agricultural Sciences. Oregon State University USA National Phenology Network Aids Management of Pest Insects With Life-Stage Forecast Maps, Using Degree-Days and Plant Phenology to predict pest Activity, Daniel A. Herms, The Ohio State University Related Posts

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Automatic risk warnings for the control of the red palm weevil

Home Discover FuturCrop How It Works Informed decisions Pests FAQ About us Company Press Contact Blog Price Log in The control of the Red Palm Weevil is difficult, because its larvae damage the interior of the trunk of the palm trees, when the visible damages are already irreparable. The Red Palm Weevil or Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, is considered the worst pest that can attack palm trees. Originally from Egypt, the pest has been detected in the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Palestine, southern Europe, California, Miami and Mexico. Damage caused by the red palm weevil Adult females lay between 300 and 400 eggs at the base of leaves, on their wounds or on trunks. They preferably go to diseased palm trees, with pruning wounds or weakened by having been transplanted recently. The cuts or wounds that occur with the pruning of palm trees give off an aroma that attracts them powerfully. The damage occurs mainly because of the larvae, which feed on the soft fibers and the terminal tissue of the buds, and move towards the interior of the palm making tunnels and cavities. They can be found anywhere inside the palm, even at the base of the trunk itself. Adults usually remain in the palm tree while it has fresh plant tissue and go outside when the palm tree is completely destroyed or does not have the capacity to house more individuals inside. When adults go outside they look for new specimens to colonize and are attracted by the smell given off by palm trees as a result of pruning, and by the pheromones that they themselves emit to attract other individuals of the same species. They have diurnal activity and can move from one palm tree to another nearby, although it can also travel long distances in flight favored by the wind, although its greater dispersion is produced by the movement of infested palm trees from one area to another. Life cycle and control of the Red Palm Weevil From the biological development cycle of the Red Palm Weevil, FuturCrop calculates the following events: Usually, damage caused by larvae is visible only long after infection. So when the first symptoms of the attack appear, they are so severe that they usually result in the death of the tree. For this reason it is essential to keep in mind the following symptoms of damage for the control of the red palm weevil: Symptoms of damage The time of treatment depends on the type of treatment performed. To perform a conventional chemical treatment, it is the immediately after laying, according to FuturCrop calculations. Monitoring and Control of the red palm weevil Surveillance of the condition of palm trees is the main tool for pest control. It is generally recommended to check the external appearance of the palm tree at least every 30 days, review of traps every 15 days, and several preventive treatments during the year. However, through FuturCrop you can receive alerts of the phases of biological development of the pest and therefore predict the risks, optimize the monitoring, the review of traps and the treatments that need to be carried out. Likewise, the information provided by the software allows you to be sure to perform the pruning in the appropriate period, controlling the moment of flight of the adults. More information Giant palm weevils—Rhynchophorus spp, UC IPM

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Modes of action of systemic and contact agricultural insecticides

Classification of agricultural insecticides by mode of action Knowing how agricultural insecticides work allows us to make decisions about the type of insecticide we should apply to control the pests that attack our crops. Agricultural insecticides can be classified according to their mode of action, i.e. the way in which they eliminate pests. According to their mode of action, insecticides kill in two ways: systemic insecticides that act when ingested with the leaf; or contact insecticides that act when the pest is sprayed. A distinction is thus made between “contact” agricultural insecticides, which affect pest individuals when the insecticide comes into direct contact with the insects, and systemic agricultural insecticides, which are introduced into the plant, so that when the pest feeds on the plant, the systemic insecticide will start to work. Contact agricultural insecticides must necessarily come into contact with the pest, and therefore a higher coverage application of the insecticide will be necessary. On the contrary, systemic insecticides can be applied using a smaller number of drops, since what is needed is that they can reach the crop and not specifically the pest. In general, coverage of 50-70 drops/m2 is recommended in the case of contact insecticides versus 20-30 drops/m2 using systemic insecticides. As mentioned above, when systemic agricultural insecticides are applied to the plant, they penetrate its tissues even if they do not cover the entire surface of the plant. In some cases the products are applied to the soil and are absorbed by the roots, reaching all parts of the plant from there; in others, as occurs with foliar insecticides, they are applied to the leaves and, from there, they reach the rest of the plant. There are also insecticides that only penetrate the area of the plant on which they have been applied. Systematic insecticides do not penetrate the plant sap and, therefore, do not spread to other parts of the plant. Systemic agricultural insecticides Systemic insecticides remain on the plant for several days (sometimes even weeks) and act against a wide variety of pests. Preventive spraying should not be carried out too frequently, as pests can develop resistance to the insecticide. It is also important to know that the action time of systemic insecticides can be one week, so it is very convenient to take into account that the application date should be adjusted to the appearance of the pest, and to verify the effect on the pest one week after the treatment. A software like FuturCrop will allow us to know when the pest will appear again, and therefore we will be able to verify immediately the success of the treatment. Criteria for the choice of agricultural insecticides By mode of action Contact insecticides act on the target pest immediately after application and do not have a persistence of action over time. In general, contact insecticides cause the death of other insects, not only the pest that is attacking our crops. For example, we can combat a plague of aphids, and also kill their allies the ants, which provide them with food. However, we will also eliminate ladybugs, one of the most important natural predators of aphids and their larvae. In this sense, it is more advisable to use a systemic insecticide because it will eliminate the aphid infestation without harming other beneficial insects. Weather conditions Weather conditions also help determine which agricultural insecticide to use. Systemic and penetrating agricultural insecticides offer the advantage of being rainfast, so once the application has been made and 1 to 2 hours have passed, allowing the spray to dry, the product will not be washed off in the event of rainfall. On the other hand, agricultural insecticides with contact activity remain on the surface of the plant where they are applied. The products are susceptible to being washed away by rain and, therefore, the crop will not be protected, thus requiring repeat treatment. In general, they are able to exert a longer lasting control on the target pest for a longer period of time, which helps to avoid possible re-infestations. Más información Legislación internacional de Límites Máximos de Residuos de Plaguicidas (LMRs) en productos vegetales, Ministerio de Agricultura, Comercio y Turismo

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insect resistance to pesticides

Insect resistance to pesticides

The resistance of insects to plant protection products is caused by the excessive use of insecticides with the same active substances. The post explains how to prevent pest resistance to insecticides from developing

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Insecticides for the control of fall armyworm

Fall armyworm, or Spodoptera frugiperda, is the larva of a nocturnal butterfly that mainly attacks maize, sorghum and rice, as well as some vegetable and cotton crops. Its larva causes great damage to crops. Its efficient control does not depend on insecticides for fall armyworm control. The two fundamental aspects of efficient pest control are monitoring and determining when the pest is most vulnerable to treatment. Fall armyworm monitoring Adult Monitoring Adults have a wingspan of 32–40 mm. In the adult male, the forewings are shaded in gray and brown, with triangular white spots at the tip and near the center of the wing. The front wings of females are less marked, ranging from a uniform grayish-brown to a fine mottling of gray and brown. The hindwings are iridescent silvery white with a narrow dark border in both sexes. Adults are nocturnal and are most active during warm, humid nights. Adults have a wingspan of 32–40 mm. In the adult male, the forewings are shaded in gray and brown, with triangular white spots at the tip and near the center of the wing. The front wings of females are less marked, ranging from a uniform grayish-brown to a fine mottling of gray and brown. The hindwing is iridescent silvery white with a narrow dark border in both sexes. Adults are nocturnal and are most active during warm, humid nights. Egg monitoring Females lay eggs on the underside of the leaves, in the middle part of the plant, in overlapping groups and layers between 100 to 300 at a time, covered by hairs from the abdomen. They are hemispherical of 0.5 mm in diameter, greenish freshly, then chestnut and with striations. When inspecting the crops, observing the underside of the leaves, it is possible to appreciate their contrast with the greenish color of the plant. Larval monitoring Damage to crops is carried out by insect larvae, which have up to 6 stages of biological development. When hatching eggs, the larvae have a light green color. They remain grouped in the lower part of the plants, sheltered between the leaves. They then feed on the chorion of the eggs, after which, if the host is not suitable, they migrate through a silk thread in search of food. They then act as cutters causing the loss of the small seedling by cutting the stem at ground level. In maize cultivation, the larva is introduced into the cob at the third stage. The larvae have a marked cannibalistic behavior, which is why a single larva is usually found inside the cobs, flowers or capsules. From the fourth instar they have darker tones and three dark yellowish and brown longitudinal lines. In the fifth stage the cephalic suture represents an inverted white “Y”, and they have a length of 35-40 mm. When disturbed, she drops by rolling up, resting her head on her body. In the later stages of development the larvae are most active at night. Monitoring of pupae To pupate, they bury themselves in the ground, 3-5 cm deep. Efficient control of fall armyworm Most treatment failures occur because they are performed late, when the larva is already inside the bud, cob, or capsule, from the third stage of larval development. Therefore, to perform efficient treatments, these must be performed in the first 2 larval stages. For this reason it is essential to be able to determine the moment in which the different phases of biological development of this pest occur. Currently there are tools that provide us with this information. Through FuturCrop, software that analyzes the weather conditions of your fields, you can receive in your email notices about the state of development of the pest and thus perform the treatments when they are more efficient. FuturCrop will also send you useful information for monitoring: the morphological characteristics of the pest, where to check its presence according to the different stages of its development, etc. In the application you can record from the smartphone the result of the sampling and the treatments carried out. More information Global action against fall armyworm, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

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biological pest control

Problems in Biological Pest Control

Benefits of Biological Pest Control The biological control of pests through predatory insects and parasitoids, has undoubted advantages over the use of phytosanitary products, particularly chemicals. Among others, pest resistance to chemicals is not generated, the agricultural exploitation is healthier for farmers and workers, agricultural activity is sustainable, problems of chemical residues in agricultural products are avoided, the problem of packaging disposal is avoided, etc. However, some problems have also been noted. Problems in Biological Pest Control Requires specialized knowledge Knowledge that usually requires the hiring of a specialized technical advisor. In addition, its success does not simply depend on making a massive release of auxiliary fauna that controls pests, but many factors must be taken into account. It is a procedure that can be expensive. The moment of release of the control bodies Another problem of biological pest control is the determination of the right time for the release of biological controllers to be successful. It is essential to know precisely its biological cycle, so that the release occurs at the time of greatest abundance of individuals in the development phase of which the predator or parasitoid feeds. For example, biological control technicians had difficulty matching auxiliary fauna to the early stages of crop development, or to the peak presence of pests, especially in crops that lack pollen or lose flowering, or in crops where the tolerable level of the pest is very low. Other types of crops also posed difficulties, such as berries, which are carried out on dates when the natural enemies of pests are very difficult to establish. Marketing of prey mites The companies producing predatory insects and parasitoids for pest control decided to market prey mites, as supplementary food that ensures the establishment of predators and parasitoids, which they also market. Prey mites (such as Carpoglyphus lactis, which serves as food for many different types of predatory mites) are used to feed predatory mites, such as A. swirskii, T. montdorensis, A. andersoni, Oriuos or Nesidiocoris. If the predator or parasitoid is specialized in feeding on a certain phase of the pest insect (whether eggs, larvae, adults, etc.) the prey mites facilitate that this auxiliary fauna survives all the cycles of the plague, even in the absence of the pests themselves. It is worth asking to what extent, the release of additional food sources guarantee success in the control of pests; or, on the contrary, if on the contrary, such release hinders the satisfactory elimination of pests that damage crops, since the action of biological control agencies do not act in the same way in the face of the abundance of food. Calculation of OCB release moment To ensure the success of biological pest controllers it is not necessary to release extra food. In reality, the goal of this technology is not the survival of predatory mites, for example, but the elimination of pests that damage crops. And the determination of the ideal moment of the release of the biological controllers of crop pests can be established through the phenological control of the pests in question, a technique of proven effectiveness for more than 50 years. By adding degrees day and applying the corresponding phenological models for each pest, it is possible to accurately determine the biological development phases of more than 200 pests, at their real time and with a forecast of up to 7 days in advance. Tools such as those developed by the prestigious UC Davis (University of California), the University of Kentucky, University of Washington, Oregon State University, and many others, or low-cost commercialized software such as FuturCrop provide this information, without the need to acquire expensive data generating equipment to evaluate, nor the need to release additional food sources to facilitate the successful survival of food organisms. Biological pest control. More information Pest and weather models, College or Agricultural Sciences. Oregon State University USA National Phenology Network Aids Management of Pest Insects With Life-Stage Forecast Maps, Using Degree-Days and Plant Phenology to predict pest Activity, Daniel A. Herms, The Ohio State University Related Posts

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